14 November 2023

Plan B

Source Wikipedia: Quote “A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with details of timing and resources, used to achieve an objective to do something. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal" unquote

Unconscious, spontaneous behaviour under duress is beyond the scope of this article. A business perspective is considered throughout.

Behind this popular as well as fascinating word the rationale lies around the fact that every action needs a plan. Whether thought of, spoken or written any act is programmed in one form or other.

However before an action is set to proceed a goal needs to be clearly identified and defined. Thus in general the path to successful fulfilment of purpose relies on a sound, achievable, respectful planning cycle design. Therefore the top layer of a corporation’s ambition needs to be outlined as the first priority. Followed by objectives and finally broken down to respective targets.

Actually the processes periodicity provides the assistance needed, since a comparative statistics based on previous data sheds light to goal setting. Foresight of the future conjecture plays a vital role and together with a conclusive market evidence constitute an exceptional and beneficial plan. Working-out arrival location’s region demands scientific knowledge as well as cognitive ability. Accordingly every aspect of research and survey should be carried out with a well-balanced team.

Let’s dive in to planning sequence which consistently kicks off in the following order.

1-Calculating Destination Position - Let’s assume that a meticulous analyses of the status of the business is computed. Continuing with a simultaneous estimate that emerges to determine the whereabouts of the target. Certainly due to the volatility of the markets it would be unreasonable to pinpoint the exact coordinates. Degree of certainty at microscopic accuracy is not mandatory. Thus evidently, certain acceptable tolerance would be adequate. Therefore this imprecision should be treated as an advantage in goal setting. Incentive strategy will help administer under/over achievement. As long as the determined values and numbers float within the boundaries, destination area is said to be reckoned.

Now a terminus area which may be blurred becomes visible on the radar screen. Consequently the next challenge is to be confronted. Aligning assets, resources with correct priority increases the possibility of reaching planed ambition. Thus making the difference between winning and losing the competitive marathon.

2-Setting the Expectations – Understanding guidelines of above story, let’s assume a well analysed hypothetical target is assigned a value of 100 units. This number can represent sales, costs, productivity, cash flow, loyalty, satisfaction and so on. Based on rigorous scientific data, number 100 will be ready to be explicitly communicated to the responsible teams. Since the team is involved with the progress at full length, their crucial buy in would generate a smooth movement forward.

Questions has to be encouraged all around. Making sure that everything is covered and there are no open or hidden areas. Leadership’s ability in substantiating inclusiveness is imperative and fundamental. Nobody should be left behind. Thus the magic is anticipating concerns and be prepared with appropriate answers. Collectiveness is essential for the acceptance of expectations.

3-Plan B – Within the broad limits of expectations Plan B can now be qualified and approved as the main stream roadmap to carry out the tasks. Laid out beautifully in colour, highlighting milestones, timing, reviews, responsibilities, education, communication, the document serves as the guidebook, handbook of the course. Not forgetting discretion, prudence and caution should be considered during the implementation phase.

Firstly negligence to revisit assumptions the basic fundamental building blocks, will cause a detour from the path. Time flies by and rate of change of market dynamics are at an accelerating pace. Hence course reiteration is absolutely necessary at regular intervals. Correspondingly early direction deviation will salvage the business plan.
Secondly allocation of slacks for just in case last minute surprises will ensure milestones are not missed. This doesn’t mean that Plan B is sluggish. On the contrary caution is built inherently for what if scenarios.

4-Plan C – I do not understand as why consistently there is an automatic down grade of any plan. Why our senses dictate risks as priority? Usually Plan A declares the main approach to achieve corporate destination. Blueprints sketch the game field. Confident the team may be, almost instantaneously Plan A is presumed to fail and a Plan B is envisioned. It would be fine to calculate all the risks. I fully agree with mitigation tactics and manoeuvring approach has to be taken into consideration. What I am referring is that this path should be identified in Plan C rather than Plan B.

Plan C refers to a decline, down inclination descending fast conditions. A viable question would be how much should the business fluctuate in terms of numbers before Plan C takes over? I have experienced in times of crisis business discrepancy falls over negative 50/100%. Therefore consider Plan C as pessimistic as possible. Ask yourself what If all hell broke loose? Formulate an austerity measures alertness record. Call it a deterioration instrument. Place it on the upper shelf and hope never to adopt it.

5-Plan A – Now that Plan B is recognised as the primary and essential direction document corporate eyes can gaze skywards. What if a boost occurs in the markets directly relevant to ongoing business? Readiness to such a phenomena is rarely prepared. Therefore if Plan A is considered to be the day to day guidance a huge opportunity may be missed out.

Simple because of a lack of favourable conditions unawareness. Caught off guard materialising the moments will be nightmare. Never mind we will survive conservatively is the excuse. Flexibility is like being able to size the corporation swiftly adapting to changing business climate. Why human behaviour does take over as a diligence of devotion to a rainy day. Why Miss bright sun shine just because not anticipating unlikely probability.

Can you envision the importance of Plan B? It encourages, thought leadership to contemplate shoulder to shoulder the downside as well as the upside. Any deviation exciding over positive 50% from the original Plan B falls into this category. Whatever it is called compensation, on target earning or commissions, achieving Plan A needs careful composition. Consciousness to Plan A seriousness could be a tender love and care story to next frog leap.

6-Plan A’Plan A Prime reminds never say never phrase. It might be jumping to a rocket and surpassing completion with amazing agility. Rivals will only be able to see the dust from a long gone market share. Yes this could be a moment of a lifetime. Still imagine such a story and layout a pattern. You may receive a gift of your whole existence. I would call 100 % uplift from Plan B should trigger this instance. There may be other acronyms such as a Stretch Plan which may be preferred to Plan A Prime.

There you go… Anything And Everything is possible… You might strike gold in the most unexpected time and place… On the other hand you may find yourself right in the middle of a tornado… Assess your chances… Be ready when the moment develops whatever the situation may be.

As a summary
Plan B - Start with a realistic high probability of successful completion.
Plan C - Take caution which is fine and don’t let go off the reins.
Plan A – Look up, sun may shine earlier, after a cloudy moment.
Plan A’ – Objects will appear beyond the horizon as the earth is not flat.

Art Empowers Business Accomplishment

 Source Wikipedia: Quote “A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with details of timing and resources, used to achieve an objective to do something. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal.

Plans can be formal or informal:

Structured and formal plans, used by multiple people, are more likely to occur in projects, diplomacy, careers, economic development, military campaigns, combat, sports, games, or in the conduct of other business. In most cases, the absence of a well-laid plan can have adverse effects: for example, a non-robust project plan can cost the organization time and money.

Informal or ad hoc plans are created by individuals in all of their pursuits.
The most popular ways to describe plans are by their breadth, time frame, and specificity; however, these planning classifications are not independent of one another. For instance, there is a close relationship between the short- and long-term categories and the strategic and operational categories.

It is common for less formal plans to be created as abstract ideas, and remain in that form as they are maintained and put to use. More formal plans as used for business and military purposes, while initially created with and as an abstract thought, are likely to be written down, drawn up or otherwise stored in a form that is accessible to multiple people across time and space. This allows more reliable collaboration in the execution of the plan” Unquote.
What an excellent definition.